Insights: Bai Mu Dan White Tea

Bai Mu Dan is an organic white tea from the city of Fuding, Fujian Province. 

Most of the mountains are covered with organic cultivations, which belong to small families of tea growers. One of these cultivations belongs to Mr.Chen, who is one of our suppliers.

All the tea in this garden is hand-picked during the month of March. The first crop is fresher, more tender and of course expensive.

Fuding has a unique terroir with 90% hilly land, and is accredited as the “Home of Chinese White Tea”. White tea has gained its popularity in recent decades and has been grown in other parts of China and some other countries around the world, but the quality and flavor vary significantly.

Bai Mu Dan is a slightly oxidized white tea.

The leaves are dried in the sun for an extended period of time and then briefly oxidized. Depending on weather conditions, sun-drying can take from 1 to 3 days and stacking from half an hour to 3 hours.

Bai Mu Dan white tea production, drying and stacking.

Bai Mu Dan has a rich and interesting history in China. The tea also called “White Peony” was originally produced by local farmers in the city of Shuiji in Fujian in the 1870s from large local tea trees.

The popularity of Bai Mu Dan increased in the 1920s when production began in nearby Zhenghe County, which soon became the main production area in China.

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