Insights: the benefits of Sencha Tea

About Sencha Tea

Sencha is the most popular Japanese green tea ever. In Japan, people serve this tea to their guests.

Although the Chinese tea processing method has influenced the Japanese processing style, instead of roasting, the leaves are steamed in the initial stage. Steaming prevents oxidation of the leaves.

Sencha is sweet in taste. It is known for its mild astringency and green floral fragrance. The quality of this tea depends on its origin, the harvesting period and the processing method used. The production of high quality Sencha starts with the first harvest.

This first harvest or spring harvest is known as Ichi-ban cha in the months of April and May, in this season we obtain a Sencha with a brilliant green color. In winter, these crops are enriched with nutrients, amino acids, sugars and catechins which improve the essence and aroma of spring tea.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, this green tea has catechins that belong to the group of compounds called polyphenols. Catechins act as powerful antioxidants. The high amount of antioxidants in it makes green tea an unparalleled choice. Catechins protect us from cellular and genetic damage by neutralizing free radicals present in our body.

Air pollution leads to the formation of free radicals in our bodies.

We cannot completely avoid these radicals as they can occur naturally in our bodies. Drinking Sencha provides antioxidants that reduce the effect of these unsafe molecules and, therefore, prevent many diseases.

Benefits of Sencha Tea

  • It controls the sugar level in our blood and is therefore beneficial for diabetics.
  • It contains polyphenols that speed up our metabolism. This proves to be helpful in burning body fat and calories. It is helpful in weight loss.
  • The high amount of antioxidants in this tea prevents skin aging by moisturizing it. It repairs damaged and inflamed skin.
  • Drinking Sencha tea after meals helps prevent bad breath.
  • Washing your mouth with Sencha tea gives relief to your throat and cough. It helps prevent infections.
  • Sencha tea is full of vitamin C, which is conducive to the health of our body.
  • The antioxidants in Sencha tea reduce the effect of free radicals in our bodies, reducing the risk of having heart disease.
  • Sencha also reduces the risk of colon and prostate cancer.
  • It is useful in the prevention of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis.
  • Drinking Sencha every day can lower the amount of LDL cholesterol and increase the amount of HDL cholesterol in our body. Sencha inhibits the absorption of cholesterol in our body, thus reducing the risk of heart attacks.

Get back to nature and start drinking Japanese Sencha green tea, the positive effects of which you will soon see.

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